Once in a great while a film will impress me through it's pure innovation and creativity. This doesn't happen too often with most Horror/Exploitation films, because they tend to rely on standard conventions and clichés...I don't need to tell you what they are, any Horror movie watcher worth his or her salt already knows. I think it's especially egregious in slasher films.
Singapore Sling, though...this is a highly original film. Shot in beautiful black and white, it tells the story of a detective (who also happens to be a mute and an alcoholic) searching for a woman named Laura who's case he had been involved in. She disappeared from his life, and in the course of his travels he gets shot (this event is never really explained in the film, one of my few complaints) in the middle of a huge storm.
His story is intercut with the actions of two women, a mother and daughter duo, who are...how shall we say..."different". When they aren't having sex with each other or the mummified patriarch of the family, they're killing and burying their servants ("with aromatic flowers"). One of the most fascinating elements of Singapore Sling, in my opinion, is how often it breaks the so-called "4th Wall". The female characters address the audience regularly about their devious plans. To tell you the truth, I'm not exactly sure if I liked this or not; it certainly was unique, in any case.
Anyway, the man crawls wounded to the house where the two incestious lesbians live. That's when the movie takes a dramatic turn for the seriously deranged. The lesbians (who also happen to have a sadomasochistic streak, as it turns out) tie "Singapore Sling" (the name they give him) up, and proceed to do weird things with him, mostly involving electroshock and various bodily fluids. They also eat dinner with him (the dinner scenes in the film are probably the most spectacularly disgusting and bizarre dinner scenes I've ever seen) and have threesomes with him and other sick shit. There is also a particularly memorable scene involving a kiwi. I will say
no more!

On the negative side: the movie wears out its welcome a little bit near the end. It's almost two hours long; I definitely would have made it shorter. The print that they used for the DVD has burnt-in English subtitles for the parts that are in Greek, which are fuzzy, hard to read, and inaccurate. Synapse remedied this by placing their own subtitles over the old ones which are accurate and easy to read, as well as interpret the few lines of French in the film; however, their subtitles are encaptioned in big grey boxes that cover up a good deal of the picture, which is even more annoying than the original subtitles. There are no extras on the DVD to speak of. With this one, the feature presentation is petty much whatcha get.
Besides that, though, Singapore Sling is a pretty great film, combining exploitation, film noir, gore, a bit of Horror...you basically get the whole 9 with this one. Another thing that's great about it that I forgot to mention was the acting, especially by the mother and daughter in the film (as Singapore Sling himself never gets much chance to act). It's quite good.
All in all, I give Singapore Sling a solid 8 out of 10.
Hey Baked, do you know what's up with Saints Palace? First it was bombed by John's crazy ex-girlfriend, and now it apparently doesn't exist. Crazy stuff!
No. And I was wondering about that. I visited a while back and had a "what the fuck?" moment...it looked like it got vandalised or something. John's ex girlfriend was responsible for that? LOL. Only got back online recently, though, as I've been fishing most of the time.
If you hear anything, let me know.
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