Sunday, November 18, 2007

Tase me, bro!

Of course, regardless of the situation, expect people to defend the actions of police, no matter how absurd the situation. The cop worship in this country is absolutely bizarre. You would expect men armed with guns and authorized them to use them against American citizens to be subject to very careful strutiny, as to prevent abuses of authority, of which they are granted a considerable amount. But, as we all know, little things like logic do not often enter into the average American's conciousness. A cop could go out in the middle of the street and devour an infant and I guarantee, SOMEONE would defend that action.

I can't wait for the days when everything from jaywalking to "talking back" to a cop gets me a good, refreshing tasing. That day will be so sweet.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

"Who's going to believe a talking head? Get a job in a sideshow."

Once in awhile I like to talk about stuff that doesn't have to do with 1) How my fellow Americans are retarded; 2) Statist oppression; 3) How politicians are scum; or 4) anarchism. Today, I'm going to talk about one of my other passions, Horror films, and one of my favorites, called Re-Animator, which I recently re-watched.

Dear god, Re-Animator has to be one of the greatest movies ever. Scorsese, Kubrick, Hitchcock? All hacks compared to the insane glory of Re-Animator.

The story starts out somewhat confusingly with a young med student named Herbert West getting busted by cops after he resurects a dead man. The dead guys eyes explode shortly afterward, and blood flies everywhere. This was about the point in the film where I knew I had hit the gore jackpot. While not quite on the level of "Dead Alive", Re Animator is a pretty damn gory film.

Later, West returns to the United States (as he was formerely in Switzerland), and takes up residence in the home of a fellow med student. Eventually, his secret (a potion that brings dead people back to life) is uncovered by his landlord, and they collaborate to raid the morgue for stiffs to resurrect. Everything goes to complete hell from there, in a grotesque blood bath, and...well, since the movie is only 80 minutes long, that's quite a bit of it, and I don't want to ruin the ending. I will say that there is an amusing scene involving a zombie with a severed head and an act of cunnilingus. One of the very rare movies I've ever seen that is both suspenseful and hilarious. I give it 5 out of 5 zombies. Go out and watch it, bitches!

Monday, November 12, 2007

Viva class war!

In case you need anymore proof that Karl Marx was a shameless, plagiarizing prostitute, you might want to give this a read. It's interesting:

Marx, you sly dog, you! Stealing "class war" ideas from bourgeious analysts, who woulda thunk it. But, of course, Marx was bourgeious himself, so that means nothing he says can be taken seriously by members of his own ideology, except perhaps Analytical Marxists, whom I'm suprised haven't all died from the contamination all their pretentious bullshit creates.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Fighting a forest fire with a squirt gun

That's what I've felt like the anti-state movement has come to lately. It's definitely turned into a losing battle for the minority of us who want REAL freedom.

As much as I hate to admit it, people have a firmly entrenched interest in creating more government, at least in the United States. I think we've all seen this with the whole "universal healthcare" debate. "Oh my gawd, the government needs to get involved and stop the eevviil corporations!" Newsflash, geniuses: the government has been far from removed from the health care debacle that we have now. In fact, it, in many ways, is responsible for the corporatist piracy that we're seeing. Maybe some research is in order, although I know that would mean that the populist swill Michael Moore spews out of his cake hole about the beatiful Utopian healthcare system of Cuba and Europe would have to be rethinked to an extent.

Another issue I see is Iraq. While many see supposed "anger" and "discontent" over the job Bush is doing, all I see is apathy. Perhaps this is because I'm young, and thus hang around a lot of people my own age, and see nothing but apathy. Sometimes what I feel we need more than anything is a draft, believe it or not. Maybe that would get the glazed look out of peoples eyes and inspire some real action and mobility. Because with numbers like these, I expect fucking riots:

I'm also beginning to see the inherent failures of Minarchism. The problem with the ideology as I see it is that government only begets more power for itself. To put it quite simply, power corrupts, and while Minarchism may not provide "total power" to potential demagogues, there are always ways to expand influence. After all, "the surest way to turn a man into a beast is to give him the power over his fellows". Anyone who says that the State exists to "voluntarily govern the people and lawfully execute their orders" is actually rejecting Hobbes in their endorsement of the State by denying alterior motives for joining in the government into positions of power, because Man, we are told, is a selfish animal. (Even though rejecting Hobbes isn't necessarily a bad thing, because Hobbes was something of a dolt, and his theories are paradoxical, but at the same time I find it vaguely amusing that his supporters reject his views in trying to endorse the State.) I've already grown out of "mainstream" Libertarianism, and I suggest anyone else who is currently enraptured by the ideology do the same. It has already been subverted by Objectivist hacks who worship Rand like Jesus and people who think that all "libertarianism" means is "liberal on duh social issues, conservative on duh economic ones". I laugh every time I hear that feel good, consolidated definition of libertarianism.

This is a good article concerning this issue:

I will admit (and this may anger some people) that some Minarchist governments have been tolerable. But I still believe that it is only a matter of time before corrupting elements enter into the equation when it comes to Minarchism.

And finally, because I'm following Ron Paul's campaign as an interesting political anomaly, some of the media on him is discouraging to say the least. Now, I'm not a Ron Paul supporter. I would never vote for the man, because voting is against my principles. And many of his supporters, the so-called "Paulistas" are naive ditto heads who only support him because he would pull the United States out of Iraq, which is basically his main platform. However, it's reports like these...

...that make me want to barf, especially this notable part:

"He also wants the withdrawal of all American troops from abroad and the abolition of most government departments, including Energy, Education and Homeland Security."

Obviously this was intended to label him as an extremist (which he actually is) by saying he wants to eliminate most government agencies, including *gasp* HOMELAND SECURITY! HOLY SHIT! What would we do without a government agency that was created six years ago?! Heaven knows how we would survive...

Unfortunately, the fact is that Homeland Security hasn't done jack shit except set up a bogus color coding alert system that has got to be the biggest joke in the world. Oh, and lets not forget their colossal fuck up in New Orleans!

America is fucked. We really are.