Once in awhile I like to talk about stuff that doesn't have to do with 1) How my fellow Americans are retarded; 2) Statist oppression; 3) How politicians are scum; or 4) anarchism. Today, I'm going to talk about one of my other passions, Horror films, and one of my favorites, called Re-Animator, which I recently re-watched.
Dear god, Re-Animator has to be one of the greatest movies ever. Scorsese, Kubrick, Hitchcock? All hacks compared to the insane glory of Re-Animator.
The story starts out somewhat confusingly with a young med student named Herbert West getting busted by cops after he resurects a dead man. The dead guys eyes explode shortly afterward, and blood flies everywhere. This was about the point in the film where I knew I had hit the gore jackpot. While not quite on the level of "Dead Alive", Re Animator is a pretty damn gory film.
Later, West returns to the United States (as he was formerely in Switzerland), and takes up residence in the home of a fellow med student. Eventually, his secret (a potion that brings dead people back to life) is uncovered by his landlord, and they collaborate to raid the morgue for stiffs to resurrect. Everything goes to complete hell from there, in a grotesque blood bath, and...well, since the movie is only 80 minutes long, that's quite a bit of it, and I don't want to ruin the ending. I will say that there is an amusing scene involving a zombie with a severed head and an act of cunnilingus. One of the very rare movies I've ever seen that is both suspenseful and hilarious. I give it 5 out of 5 zombies. Go out and watch it, bitches!
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