Expect many more situations like this in the future. There was a story recently of a police officer tasering a middle schooler. Really, guys? I thought cops were tough! Don't you guys work out? Can't handle an unruly 12 year old without a little superior firepower, eh?
Expect many more situations like this in the future. There was a story recently of a police officer tasering a middle schooler. Really, guys? I thought cops were tough! Don't you guys work out? Can't handle an unruly 12 year old without a little superior firepower, eh?
Of course, regardless of the situation, expect people to defend the actions of police, no matter how absurd the situation. The cop worship in this country is absolutely bizarre. You would expect men armed with guns and authorized them to use them against American citizens to be subject to very careful strutiny, as to prevent abuses of authority, of which they are granted a considerable amount. But, as we all know, little things like logic do not often enter into the average American's conciousness. A cop could go out in the middle of the street and devour an infant and I guarantee, SOMEONE would defend that action.
I can't wait for the days when everything from jaywalking to "talking back" to a cop gets me a good, refreshing tasing. That day will be so sweet.
I can't wait for the days when everything from jaywalking to "talking back" to a cop gets me a good, refreshing tasing. That day will be so sweet.
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